Gamer luv

CRank: 5Score: 5530

Great, im sure theres a law that says you cant own over so much of a certain product, in this case the game industry>???

Just what we need tho, EA buying more companies and making even more CRAP games, the only game i liked by them is Boom Boom rocket and thats pretty much a copy of guitar hero and dance things when u go to the arcade.

6237d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

no game coming out for the PS3 justifies a cost that much. No game will ever, untill it drops down to around £250, its not worth it.

6244d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, people say there was no release date confirmed, but i think telling people its coming fall 2007 and then it actualy turns out its not for ages, but seeing as its a PS3 exclusive, it will be delayed again, again, again, and then we will get another over hyped game.
I loved the other MGS games, but this one seems to much the same, they need a new concept, just like every new major IP, Halo, MGS, theyve goten old to quick.

None more so then the Final Fantasy series...

6244d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I disagree, when you look at the games at the time, Halo and Halo 2 were miles ahead of anything near it.

And infact, Halo 2 still looks miles ahead of alot of Ps2 and Xbox games.

But i do agree that there not going for photo realism, which im unhappy about.

As much as i say i care about gameplay rather then graphics, we all know youd rather play the most realistic looking game which plays well rather then one that looks terrible but plays well. ...

6244d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i know what your saying, but everyone has paid all this money for a super "computer" and are trying to justify it by saying its good, when all it is, is crap.

Theres nothing that apeals to gamers on there, which the 360 cant.

6245d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

THis is the sh1t that makes me laugh.

Look at all the fan boys for both the 360 an PS3...

Now, i dont care if this is BS or not, but seeing as most Sony fanboys on here dont even own a PS3 yet, that there machine is majorly over hyped.

Now, i dont care what the PS3 will be able to do in the future, i care about what it can do now, meaning i dont buy a machine to only start playing decent games on it 2 years down the line.

I have the ...

6245d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

You have a decent point, but even the GT HD demo only looks pretty, the pyshics of the car are terrible....

I dont think its fair to compared GT 5 and Forza, look at when the release dates are...

Its like, the 360 people comparing GeOW to R:FOM, all you have to say is, well R:FOM was a launch game. GeOW wasnt.
Its the same thing, as in a year, think about what games will look like, compared to now, it just isnt fair to cpmare the two.

6265d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

AA well i think theres no doubt GT 5 will look the nicest.

But like all before them, it will have the worse pyshics once again, when you compare it.

PGR has always had better pyshics, Forza 1 was miles ahead, forza 2 will be even further ahead.

GT 5 will look the prettiest, but wont play as nice/

6265d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

well seeing as the 360 competition is between 360 and PS3, and the PC are games for windows, which is Microsoft, games for PC and 360 are exlusive to MS.

MS are not competing with PC, theyre bringing them together, and im pretty sure that at some point in the future, most games will be available on both the PC and the 360, i also expect to see Xbox Live interacted with it.

MS dont care, so long as you can get in on a 360 or PC, rathert then a PS3, its exlusive, s...

6279d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeap, the dude who wrote it lol

What a friggen tard he must be.

As if anyone who signs it, is gonna think, "No, ill miss out on playing this great game just because Xbox 360 fans can play"

6296d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea, just like DMC is exclusive...

It will happen wait and see.

6298d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know...
The only adds i see about PS3 is every single shop selling the PS3 telling everyone they are still taking Pre Orders for it.

6301d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

But still, with what The Mart said, if they got a 1 month FREE trial like you can on the console, and they believe the difference is significent enough, then $80 a year nothing. But i dont play PC games, partly because i only just bought my new PC and i dont know what PC gamers are used to.

6301d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But you forget with Home, if you want it to be free, your house/person will probably look so dull when compared to someone paying for items.

Meaning, you want it to be good, you give them money.

The way i see it, is that with XBL, you pay £40 a year.
Then you only buy stuff you dont need or dont really want.

But with the PSN, as its free, you have that £40 to spend on items throughout the year.

But, im not so sure wh...

6301d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


At differnt points i thought they were both better.
The start, i thought the Xbox looked nice, but then the PS had a more sense of realism, but thats only because of the colour, which you can adjust.

Ill give the game some credit tho, it did look better then i thought it would.

6302d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree totaly, now, GRAW 2 Multiplayer, being controlled the same way as the campaign would be great.

ALso, i thought that had a winning thing there, like Gears and Rainbow you could play the campaign with friends, you should be able to do that on GRAW 2..

And buy that i mean the good campaign, not the cheap little, kill afew dumnb AI people thing.

6303d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A second, god, not even out in UK and the next one is planned.. jeez/

Game looks great tho, i wonder what they can do with a "Revamped" version on the same engine.

Only problem tho, that it might be alittle like GRAW 2, basicaly the same, little improvements, but out like, under a year later...

6303d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I still dont see how BR is helping PS sell...
Has to be the other way round.

No one in there right mind would pick up a player costin £1300 over a HD DVD player which looks just as good, only with less space.

6305d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude MS still say its unnessecary, but the people want it.

When most people have a 1080p tv, then maybe its the right thing to do, but to include it in consoles, when it will up the price.
The largest audience for gaming are young, and many of them kids, and being able to afford a 1080p TV is hard for kids, without a job.

At this point in time, MS have it better of, as if people want the HDMI, they will buy the HDMI set, if they dont want it, they stick w...

6305d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The black Xbox is coming out, ive seen it advertised in newspapers, stores have it in there system, it will happen.

As for dropping the core, make it officialy cheaper.
There are some places in the UK (Asda) where you can pick up an Xbox 360 Core package for less then the Nintendo Wii, what are you going to chose, a less expensive HD gaming machine, or the Wii?

I think dropping the Core is bad thing, make the Premium the old price of the Core, i dont know ...

6305d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment